Client Love

I’m so grateful for the time I’ve shared with every one of my clients - and grateful for what they’ve shared about their healing experiences with me.

Kate truly desires the peace she’s found in her own life be shared with all who seek to be healed.
— Jan M.

Dana W.

Kate Thierry’s the real deal! I'm so grateful for my session with Kate. I felt truly supported as we reckoned with some pretty ancient toxic beliefs, and I was so much lighter after we finished. My perspective has completely and profoundly shifted for the better.

Jan M.

Kate has the innate ability to connect with her clients on a deeply spiritual level. She has been working with my husband for approximately two months. As a survivor of brain traumas, he has lost the ability to process information logically. Although he requires special therapeutic needs, Kate has been able to adjust her coaching sessions to meet his individual needs. Through Kate’s guidance, my husband is opening up emotionally and is allowing himself to be healed from the anxiety and depression he has lived with for sixty years!

Katrina L.

Kate has been working with me for the past six months. I have experienced so much progress since that time in many areas of my life – personal, spiritual, career, and relational to name a few. What has made all of this possible is Kate’s ability to honor my struggles, streamline and address thoroughly the core issues as they are uncovered with compassion, insight, and intuition. She is very attuned, and I have enjoyed even very deep, typically painful work that has evoked healing from the past as it releases lightly and without further weight.

Kathy D.

Kate is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met in my whole life. She is so kind, helpful, and selfless. My coaching sessions with her have helped me to become more focused on things I’ve needed to be working on. Kate helped give me direction in my life in ways I wouldn’t have explored before. She’s connected me to so many needed resources, which has been incredible. She has helped me so much in my life during a very trying time.

Charlotte G.

As Kate has worked with me through the upward and downward surges of life, she has offered objective insight and constructive coping mechanisms (i.e., paying attention to the physiological response to stress, visualization, breathing techniques and an overall active listener). Kate also empowers another by encouraging honesty within oneself and honoring one's authenticity and integrity. Kate is a person who radiates her own truth, making business, networking and friendship with her effortlessly enjoyable and inspiring. That being said, she organically attracts energy of all sorts and welcomes it with grace! If one is seeking the absence of judgement while needing to express or explore oneself in a safe place, Kate is definitely your girl!

Dale J.

I’d worked with my annoying problem of suddenly starting to weep in the middle of a conversation or when listening to a radio story with half a dozen therapists over 20 years, but what we did with standard therapy just didn’t touch it at all. Kate’s AIT therapy, however, went straight to heart. I was crying while working on the issue (instead of at random times), which never happened in previous therapy about this. I still react some in those situations now, but much more gently, and instead of going straight to embarrassment and repression when that happens, I feel gentle self-awareness and self-compassion. Although the therapy uses some talk to identify the issue, it’s astonishing to me how these bypassing the conscious mind techniques worked for me, where talk therapy never did.

Maureen P.

For the last 23 years, I’ve struggled with anxiety, self-esteem issues, depression and issues surrounding family dysfunction, abuse and the deaths of my two siblings. I’ve done therapy on and off and have tried many medications, some of which I still find useful. Though some of this has undoubtedly helped and gotten me through, I wasn’t sure I was getting to the core of some of the issues. It was leaving me hopeless at times, and feeling I would never be content or present (how I really want to live my life).
I feel listened to, tuned in and as raw as I want to be with Kate. Her life experiences, skills (of many techniques, meditations and exercises) and empathy guide me through this process. It can feel intense, but it makes me think more clearly, ultimately. I feel like a different person. I like myself more and am able to live more outside of my head. I feel more loving, more centered. It was a whim to try AIT ... I thought, why not? It’s certainly a game changer and I am so grateful for this gift.

Karen S.

Kate is an extraordinary coach! She knows various healing modalities and is very skilled at knowing which ones will help the most with a given situation. She is so real! She creates a space where personal healing can happen in a warm, trusting way. Her ability to support personal healing is wonderful. She helped me so much! 

Jene H.

I highly recommend Kate. I needed her help making a difficult decision. All the different perspectives and possibilities were swirling around inside me, and I didn't know what to do. She created the most welcoming and open space for me to get everything off my chest, allowing all the aspects of me that had conflicting concerns about the decision to feel heard and validated. I was so grateful for her expertise and the unique way she had of looking at things. The processes she used to get me in touch with my inner knowing were amazing! I've been to different coaches, and also some therapists, and I've never experienced anything like that before. The most remarkable thing was that we accomplished this over the phone, from different states! Moving forward, I can use what I learned from her when complicated decisions come up in my life, and I'll definitely be coming back to her for expert guidance whenever I need it. Thank you, Kate!

Renee K.

I have had the wonderful experience of talking with Kate. What she communicates is transcendent love, peace, awareness, and joy. She has given me great resources to accomplish whatever it is I am needing. Working with Kate has helped me to trust myself more.