1:1 Healing

You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

What if…

What if life didn’t have to feel like this? Who would you be if things didn’t feel so damn hard? What might it feel like to have an abundance of ease, peace, joy, love, and light in your life? These are all your birthright and are yours for the taking!

I believe that you already have the answers inside yourself. Sometimes when you’re still, you can feel it, but life happens and we can get disconnected from our true selves and our personal power. Your old ways of showing up don’t seem to be working anymore. Or maybe they never did?

You know life’s not supposed to be like this, right?

The Universe/Creator/Divine Source/God … is always trying to give you all that you desire. It’s all being sent to your home address. The problem is that most of us don’t actually live at our “home address” – our place of personal integrity. That’s where the magic happens! That’s where everything flows with ease.

We might be dealing with blocks or traumatized parts that make it hard, or feel unsafe, to go there. I will guide you in how to be the healer for all of your stuck, hurt, misguided, and fearful parts – guiding you back to Self. You are a healer. You are powerful. You are magical.

Are you ready to experience the joy that’s been waiting for you?!

Then stay with me, for I am not.
— Hafiz

All Parts of You!

You are a complex being, and we incorporate tools for all parts of your being – mental, physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual.

Healing Tools

In addition to the main healing modalities I use (IFS, AIT, and the SSP), I incorporate many other tools. I use my intuition to guide me in choosing what would best fit your situation, then offer it to you. In doing this, I might use muscle testing (check out my FAQ page for more information) to see what’s best to use for your highest good. Some of the tools in my toolbox:

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT)

  • Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP - Polyvagal sound healing)

  • John Newton’s Ancestral Clearings

  • Forgiveness prayer

  • Martha Beck coaching tools

  • Donna Eden Energy Medicine for Trauma

  • Guided meditation

  • Muscle testing

  • Directed Breath work

  • Shamanic practices/ceremonies

  • Yogic and Ayurvedic practices

  • Chakra clearings

  • Oracle cards

  • And more…